Partners & Network

The Centre has 16 Norwegian universities, university colleges, and research institutes as partners.

The partnership agreements, which last for five years and may be renewed, are structured to benefit CAS, the partner institutions, and the researchers themselves:

  • Scholars who hold permanent research positions at CAS's partner institutions will be granted sabbatical leave with full salary by their home institution during their stay at the Centre.
  • The partner institutions will earn the publication points that result from CAS projects, and CAS will not claim ownership of any results or findings.
  • Former CAS Research Grant recipients can apply for the CAS Alumni Fellowship, which provides seed funding for developing results from the CAS project further at the home institution. 


Our partner institutions

Logos of all of CAS' 16 partner institutions




How to become a partner

The Centre accepts applications from Norwegian institutions and elects up to two new partners per year. Applications are reviewed annually at the board meeting in February.

While there is no direct cost associated with the partnership, partner institutions contribute to the collaboration by providing scholars from their institutions with fully paid sabbatical leave during their stay at CAS.

See the formal requirements for becoming a partner here (PDF) >

Questions regarding partnership can be emailed to our administration >


Other partners and networks

In addition to our partner institutions, CAS collaborates with other institutions in both Norway and abroad.

DNVA and AYF's logos

While not a part of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA), CAS shares a common history and enjoys a strong bond with the organisation. CAS was founded by the Academy in 1989, and the Centre is located on the lower ground and on the third floor of the Academy building. DNVA selects six of the members/alternates of our board of directors and appoints the chairperson. The Secretary General of the Academy participates as an observer during board meetings.

DNVA also supports the Young CAS programme by providing venues and lunches for some of the gatherings.

The Young Academy of Norway (AYF) was an invaluable partner when planning the Young CAS programme. AYF is still a central collaborator and participates in the election of the candidates.

NetIAS logo

CAS is a member of the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NetIAS).

NetIAS was established in 2004 to enhance dialogue on practices and enable cooperation between institutes. Today, it comprises 25 institutions for advanced study across Europe, and the network hosts more than 500 researchers every year for up to one full academic year.

Read more about the network on the NetIAS website >

CAS is also a member of the recently founded NORDIAS, a network of the eight institutes for advanced study in the Nordic Countries. 

Read more about the network on the NORDIAS website >