Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection
Principal investigators

The aim of the project was to publish the grand collection of Mr. Martin Schøyen, Spikkestad, Norway. The Schøyen Collection (SC) contains manuscript materials from the beginning of writing (Sumerian, about 3000 B.C.) up to the Renaissance, and represents most of the main cultural traditions of the world.
At CAS, efforts were mainly concentrated on the Buddhist Manuscripts of the collection (BMSC). Associated with the BMSC work was also the computer-lexicographic project “Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae.”
The year was mostly organized as a running workshop. Almost all the disciplines of manuscript science were practiced, form preservation work (including the study writing materials, palm leaf, birch bark, tree and vellum), to palaeography (including dating of scripts and manuscripts), and basic transcription work, text-critical and stemmatic work, translation and interpretation, genre research, the general study of Buddhist literature as an expression of Buddhist culture, society, its monastic community and its religion and philosophy.