Exhibition: sense a different Arctic

NyArktis is open from April 30 to June 12 at Kulturhistorisk museum in Oslo.
The exhibition NyArktis sprung out of the ongoing 2015/2016 CAS research project Arctic Domestication in the Era of the Anthropocene, which challenges the dominant understanding of the history of Western civilization. The national and international academics behind the exhibition describe the Arctic as continously conquered.
"An arena for international rivalry"
A hundred years after Nansen and Amundsen raced alongside other polar explorers for fame and national standing, the Arctic is once more an arena for international rivalry. Today, the race is on for the exploration of natural resources, climate change and scientific developments.
How do we understand the Arctic under these circumstances? Why are these areas almost always defined as empty and without human presence? Furthermore, if civilization is synonymous with hierarchical relations, how would we then understand people who live differently, such as people living in the Arctic?
Read also: Where does nature end and culture begin?
Open until June 12

Come and learn more about what the Arctic can be at an exhibition that activates all senses: hear, feel, smell and see.
NyArktis is interdisciplinary and draws on insights from the researchers in the CAS project:
Marianne Lien, Liv Østmo, Britt Kramvig, Natasha Fijn, Rob Losey, Heather Swanson, Nancy Wachowich, John Law, Berit Kristoffersen, Sverker Sörlin and Gro Ween.
Project leader: Gro Ween
Design: Åsmund Steinsholm and Mathilde Enger Stabekk
Sound: Levende Land Under som Over by Margrethe Iren Pettersen