Watch the CAS Opening Ceremony live on Facebook

With regards to the ongoing pandemic, the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) has decided to scale down its opening ceremony of the 29th academic year, and to only invite this year’s fellows to participate in person.
As we would like all colleagues and friends of the Centre to participate, the speech from our director and the project leaders’ presentations will be streamed on our Facebook channel. We invite you to join in on our opening ceremony digitally.
Thursday 3 September 2019, 16:00 – 17:00
- Introductory Greeting by the Director of CAS, Professor CAMILLA SERCK-HANSSEN
- Presentation of the three 2020/2021 CAS projects:
Led by Professor MARIANNE BJELLAND KARTZOW, University of Oslo (UiO), & Professor LIV INGEBORG LIED, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (MF)
Led by Professors JAKOB ELSTER & CATHRINE HOLST, University of Oslo (UiO)
Led by Professor PAUL ARNE ØSTVÆR, University of Oslo (UiO)