Publication on 'Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology'
A new publication has emerged from the CAS project "Evolvability: A New and Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology?" led by professor Thomas F. Hansen and Christophe Pelabon back in 2019/2020.

Edited by Professor Thomas F. Hansen from the University of Oslo and Professor Christophe Pelabon from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, among other contributors, the book delves into the concept of evolvability and its significance across diverse scientific disciplines.

The book, published as part of 'The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology' by The MIT Press, features essays written by experts in quantitative and population genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, systems biology, macroevolution, and the philosophy of science. The essays are drawn from a workshop on evolvability hosted by CAS, providing both scientific and historical context to the concept.
Authored by experts who played instrumental roles in the development of the concept, the essays offer a comprehensive synthesis of knowledge accumulated over the past thirty years. The contributors explore the historical and philosophical contexts that influenced the emergence of evolvability as a concept, while also proposing strategies for developing a common language and theory to further advance evolvability research.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our former project leaders, Thomas and Christophe, on the publication!