Check Out: Podcast Featuring Former CAS Fellow Ole-Albert Rønning Nordby
Exciting news for history enthusiasts!

Ole-Albert Rønning Nordby, a former fellow of the CAS project Social Governance Through Legislation, is featured in the National Library of Norway's new podcast Dømt: Skjebner fra Middelalderen alongside National Librarian Aslak Sira Myhre.
Dømt: Skjebner fra Middelalderen delves into real court cases from the Middle Ages, shedding light on various aspects of medieval society. The episodes draw from historical documents in the Diplomatarium Norvegicum and the Regesta Norvegica, along with translations of Magnus Lagabøte's national law.
Created to commemorate the 750th anniversary of Magnus Lagabøte's national law in 2024, this podcast offers a fascinating revisit to the Middle Ages through retellings based on court letters and other period sources.