CAS welcomes NUPI, PRIO as partner institutions

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) is proud to welcome two new partner institutions: the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).
As employees of official CAS partner institutions, researchers at NUPI and PRIO will now be eligible to submit project proposals and assemble and lead CAS projects. If they are chosen to lead a CAS project or participate in one as a fellow, the researchers will receive extra sabbatical leave from their home institution during their stay. Additionally, junior academics at the two organisations are eligible to become Young CAS Fellows.
‘We are delighted to partner with NUPI and PRIO, two leading research institutions in their fields,’ said Camilla Serck-Hanssen, scientific director of CAS. ‘These partnership will extend the Centre's services to more researchers, furthering CAS' mission of supporting excellent, fundamental, curiosity-driven research.'
The partnerships with NUPI and PRIO are the first of their kind for CAS. The two organisations are the first research institutions to partner with CAS, joining the Centre’s 10 partner universities and university colleges in Norway.
NUPI (in Norwegian: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt) focuses on foreign policy. The institute, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2019, is organised into four main research groups: Security and Defence; Russia, Asia, and International Trade; Peace, Conflict, and Development; and Global Order and Diplomacy. Counting part-time and guest researchers, NUPI has about 80 employees.
PRIO is also turning 60 in 2019. The institution houses more than 50 researchers, whose projects are organised into 15 research groups spanning topics such as conflict patterns, migration, and violent organisations. PRIO also hosts the editorial offices of the Journal of Peace Research and Security Dialogue, as well as the editors of International Area Studies Review and the Journal of Military Ethics.
'We put great emphasis on interdisciplinarity, international collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence at PRIO, and the partnership with the Centre for Advanced Study goes hand in hand with these values,' Henrik Urdal, director of PRIO, said. 'Both CAS and PRIO aim to be incubators of excellent research, allowing the curiosity of researchers to drive the research frontiers and break new ground in the creative challenge of other disciplines, methods, and perspectives. I see this as a unique opportunity to let outstanding researchers from across the globe and across the disciplines sit down under one roof and work together. We are very excited to be partnering with CAS.’
Researchers at NUPI and PRIO are immediately able to participate in CAS projects and enjoy the benefits of being employees of CAS partner institutions. They will first be able to become Young CAS Fellows during the 2020/21 academic year, and lead CAS projects during the 2022/23 academic year. The application process for both programmes will begin in fall 2019.
Learn more about applying to CAS.