CAS celebrates 25th anniversary in Trondheim and Tromsø

‘Without my year at CAS, my resume would look a lot thinner.’
That’s how Frode Fossøy, a researcher in the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) summed up his time at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) during the 2009/10 academic year, when he participated in the CAS project Coevolutionary Interactions and Adaptations in a Metapopulation Context.
Fossøy was one of the scholars in attendance as CAS last month celebrated its 25th anniversary year along with two member institutions, NTNU and the University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). Between the two universities, dozens of scholars have spent time at the Centre leading projects or participating as fellows over the past 25 years.
The anniversary events had a dual focus: highlighting those scholars and encouraging others to apply. And like the diverse nature of the more than 70 CAS projects that have been hosted at the Centre since its founding, the events themselves were equally varied.
In Trondheim, attendees heard from Fossøy and fellow CAS project leaders and fellows Gunhild Setten, Kristian Seip, and Terje Lohndal, listened to a roundtable discussion with leaders of NTNU’s research areas, and enjoyed a private concert with some of the university’s top jazz musicians.
In Tromsø, CAS held a brief information session for scholars before opening the exhibition arv at Tromsø Museum. CAS co-sponsored the exhibition, which features a critical look at the cultural heritage of modern society. The exhibition is based on the former CAS project After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century, led by UiT professor Bjørnar Julius Olsen.
We’ve collected our favourite shots from the two events below. Thanks to everyone who attended!