YCF event: Old and New - Musical Sources and Debates in the Decades Around 1300

Held by Young CAS Fellow Catherine A. Bradley (UiO).
For invited perticipants only.
Thursday 5th May
8:45 Welcome
Session I Chair: Mark Everist
9:00–10:00: Catherine A. Bradley (University of Oslo):
Sources and Notations Around 1300: The Evidence and Implications of Ars antiqua Motet and Organum Fragments in Stockholm
10:00–11:00 Matthew P. Thomson (University College Dublin):
Sacred Ars antiqua Motets in Fourteenth-Century Italy: GB-Ob Lat. liturg. e. 42
11:00–11:30 Coffee
11:30–12:30 Karl Kügle (University of Oxford):
The Huybens Motet Fragment Revisited: Courtoisie in Lotharingia?
12:30–13:45 Lunch
Session II Chair: Karen Desmond
13:45–14:45 Mark Everist (University of Southampton):
Rhythm and Reception, c.1300: The Legacy of organum triplum
14:45–15:45 David Catalunya (University of Oxford/University of Würzburg):
New Fragments of a Late Thirteenth-Century Liber organi in Barcelona
15:45–16:15 Coffee
16:15–17:15 Sean Curran (Trinity College, Cambridge):
Turning a New Leaf: Observations on the Design of Music Books, c.1300
17:15–18:15 Peter M. Lefferts (University of Nebraska-Lincoln):
Old and New in Two Manuscripts Uncovered by Gordon Anderson: Insular Latin Motets on Flyleaves in Tours and Prague
Friday 6th May
Session III Chair: Karl Kügle
9:00–10:00 Joseph W. Mason (New College, Oxford):
Reconstructing the Lincoln College Fragments: Some Observations and Questions
10:00–11:00 Karen Desmond (Brandeis University):
Tempus, Tempo, and Insular Semibreves
11:00–11:30 Coffee
11:30–12:30 David Maw (University of Oxford):
The Ars nova of Petrus de Cruce
12:30–14:00 Lunch
Session IV Chair: Peter M. Lefferts
14:00–15:00 Elżbieta Witkowska-Zaremba (Polish Academy of Sciences):
New Evidence for Dating Jacobus’s Citations of Johannes de Muris’s Musica speculativa
15:00–16:00 Margaret Bent (All Souls College, Oxford):
Artes novae
16:00–16:30 Coffee
16:30–17:30 Anna Zayaruznaya (Yale University):
Perspectives on Undifferentiated Semibreves from Both Sides of 1300