What is a Good Policy? Political Morality, Feasibility, and Democracy

The point of departure for the GOODPOL-project, is that disagreement over policy is the normal state of politics. How we approach such disputes and which policy decisions we make are decisive for the distribution of benefits and burdens in society.
The Zoom link will be email all registered participants before the event.
This makes the task of assessing policies crucial, yet complex. Good policies should reflect what we believe to be right. At the same time they must be feasible, and the result of democratic processes.
Cathrine Holst and Jakob Elster is leading the project at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS).
Moral expertise in policy decisions?
In this talk, Holst and Elster will present the research questions addressed in GOODPOL through the lens of one more specific set of questions: what role should moral expertise in policy decisions have?
Are there moral experts, and if they are, how can we know who we should listen to if they disagree? Is giving an important role to moral experts compatible with democratic ideals? In what ways does moral expertise differ from other forms of expertise with respect to these questions?
We are not going to come up with answers to what a good policy is. We will rather try to answer: what needs to be in place in order to know what a good policy is?"
Jakob Elster