From Processes to Models

The CAS project Stability and Change is hosting a workshop in the Turret Room at CAS.
For invited guests only.
10:00 - Nils Lid Hjort: Welcome and Introduction
10:10 - Johnathan Williams: Hidden Markov Model Applications for Conflict Data
10:55 - Bear Braumoeller: From Models to Processes - Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models of War
11:45 - Lunch
13:00 - Simone P. Von Der Maase: ConflictNet 1.0 - A Probabilistic Recurrent Unet for global Conflict Forecasting
13:50 - Nils Lid Hjort: From Processes to Models - A Few Sets of Ideas
10:00 - Nils Lid Hjort: Welcome Back: Re-cap of Previous Day
10:10 - Mihai Croicu: Forecasting Spatially Disaggregated Armed Conflict Using Rebel Group Data
10:55 - David Randahl: Using Markov Models to Predict Escalation and De-Escalating Violence - Some Initial Evidence and Paths Forward.
11:45 - Lunch
13:00 - Céline Cunen & Gudmund Hermansen: The Flush Tank Model - Using Gamma Processes to Model Astrocyte Activation
13:25 - Catharina Stoltenberg: Time-to-Event for Dirichlet Processes
13:50 - Emil Aas Stoltenberg: Models and Inference for on–off Data via
Clipped Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes