Ph.D. Seminar: Times in Plural - Media, History, Culture

Project leaders Helge Jordheim and Espen Ytreberg (UiO) are hosting a Ph.D. seminar on times in media, history, and culture at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS).
This Ph.D. seminar explores ways of knowing, mediating, and imagining time, time scales, and intertemporal connections from a broad historical and geographical perspective. It looks at models for dividing and synchronising times of history and times of nature, and how this changed in the modern era. For the seminar we want to gather students who take an interest in the role of multiple times in culture, history, and media. We will address an open-ended set of questions and theories, linked mainly by an interest in how times split up, come in conflict, and are synchronised. Students will acquire knowledge about key contributions to theoretical debates on the modern experience of time. Through a combination of approaches from cultural history, media studies, anthropology, and STS-studies, participants will also develop analytical skills in relation to some of the conflicting and multiple temporalities of contemporary society.
Conveners: Anders Ekstrøm (Uppsala University), Espen Ytreberg, and Helge Jordheim (CAS and
University of Oslo)
Teachers: Geoffrey Bowker (CAS and UC Irvine), Julia Nordblad (Uppsala University), Kristin Asdal
The seminar is organised as part of the knowledge moves network, which is a collaboration between university departments in Norway and Sweden.
Program will follow shortly.