Narrating past climate. Socionatural entanglements in Little Ice Age Norway (1500-1800)

On Tuesday, 3 December, PI Dominik Collet will give a talk named named "Narrating past climate. Socionatural entanglements in Little Ice Age Norway (1500-1800)", presenting the NORLIA-project.
Abstract: What happened the last time we encountered rapid climate change? How did people react when they faced similar challenges to the ones we are confronting today? This presentation focuses on the 18th century – the tail-end of the so-called Little Ice Age. It focusses on Norway – an environment that was particularly vulnerable and produced a range of highly significant sources. The talk will introduce the NORLIA project, a cooperation of historians and dendroclimatologists. It explores clusters of extreme cold events in the 1740 or 1770s and 1780s that brought famine and poverty but also triggered new welfare and public health initiatives. Following their impact from 'agriculture to culture' NORLIA challenges popular narratives of collapse and maps the unexpected plurality of past appropriations of climate stress.