N000: Counting the Uncounted

The CAS project Stability and Change is hosting a workshop in the Turret Room at CAS.
For invited guests only.
9:45 – Arrival with coffee and tea
10:00 – Nils Lid Hjort & Håvard Hegre: Welcome and Introductions
10:10 – Nils Lid Hjort: Estimating the number of killed persons in Guatemala during 1978 to 1996, with confidence distributions
10:45 – Patrick Ball: Data Processing at the Colombian Truth Commission: Schema unification, multiple imputation of missing values, machine learning on text, estimation of unobserved cases, and analysis
11:45 – Lunch at Hotel Gabelshus
12:45 – Helge Brunborg: How can mortality due to armed violence be
estimated? Methods and data sources
13:20 – Stina Högbladh: Counting Fatalities: UCDP’s Approach
13:50 – Break
14:00 – Michael Spagat: Recording, Counting and Estimation of War Deaths
14:35 – Aliaksandr Hubin: Applications of multilevel regression with poststratification
15:05 – Break
15:15 – Paola Vesco: The underreported death toll of wars: A probabilistic reassessment from a structured expert elicitation