Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative: Final Project Workshop

Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative is hosting their last workshop as an active CAS project.
21 June
9:00 – Start and round table discussion: state of affairs for the different articles
10.:0 – Coffee
10:30 – Parallel work on articles 'Radiocarbon dates and the beginning of farming in Norway' (main author S. Solheim), 'Norwegian regions' (main author A. Schülke) and the 'Politics of migration' booklet
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Parallel work on articles and booklet, with flexible coffee break
22 June
8:30 – Start and summary of yesterday’s progress
9:00 – Parallel work on articles 'The blurry third millennium' and booklet (final text!), with flexible coffee break
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Parallel work on articles; figures and copy editing of booklet
15:00 – Coffee
15:30 – Agreement of timetables for completion/next tasks and individual follow-up meetings