Conference: Molecules in Extreme Environments - Midterm Meeting

All speakers are given 1 hour and 30 minutes, leaving ample time for discussions.
Monday January 15
Morning Session — Overview (chair Trond Saue)
09:30 - Trygve Helgaker
Afternoon Session — Strong Fields (chair Dage Sundholm)
13:00 - Andy Teale: From Green's windmill in Nottingham to Green's functions by the Oslo Fjord: Excited States of Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields
14:30 - Stella Stopkowicz: Accurate treatment of ground and excited states in strong magnetic fields
Evening Session — Induced Currents (chair Elke Pahl)
16:30 - Dage Sundholm: Twisted, helical and toroidal
18:00 - Maria Dimitrova: Halomethanes in strong magnetic fields
Tuesday January 16
Morning Session — High Pressure (chair Wim Klopper)
09:00 - Peter Schwerdtfeger: Squeezing the hell out of atoms: why high-pressure physics is important
10:30 - Elke Pahl: Melting transitions in extreme environments
Afternoon Session — Coupled-Cluster Theory (chair Stella Stopkowicz)
14:00 - Wim Klopper: Bethe–Salpeter excitation and correlation energies
15:30 - Jürgen Gauss: Coupled-cluster theory for molecules in extreme environments
Evening Session — Dinner
19:00 - Lofoten Restaurant
Wednesday January 17
Morning Session — Relativity and QED (chair Peter Schwerdtfeger)
09:00 - Trond Saue: Relativity under pressure
10:30 - Lukas Pasteka: Development of QED pseudopotentials for molecular calculations
For invited guests only.